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Allison J. Pugh has a fabulous piece in Salon about employee loyalty in a climate where companies aren’t expected to reciprocate. Many of us have been through economic strife which brings on loads of stress and anxiety. Job insecurity can cause amplify these feelings and even send some into depression. The article asks a very important question, “What do employers owe us, and what do we owe our employers?” This is especially important for those of us who work ourselves into the ground–maybe we’re not sure why we do it but this piece is a great place to start asking that question. (Salon)
Sometime we can be a little obsessive about our posture. We compare and correct all the time. We ‘ooo’ and ‘awww’ over passerby with absolutely perfect posture–how do they do it?! Earlier in the week we posted on our Facebook about an article detailing benefits of massage for posture. We found another great self-care piece on posture awareness. While the specifics of this piece are directed at massage therapists they are generally great tools for anyone looking to straighten out their posture. And as always, we agree with its final point in making self-care a priority! (Massage Magazine)
Do you, or someone you know, suffer from multiple sclerosis? We’ve recently had a lot of inquiries about benefits of massage for people with MS and this article, accompanied by a helpful video, details benefits some have found while receiving massage. The patient quoted in the article mentions about their experience with massage: “The massages helped to relax and clear my body so I wasn’t stressed for the rest of the day.” When battling illnesses, especially longterm, it can create a sense of drag and hopelessness. The authority in the article said, “With MS it’s been shown that the fatigue and the pain is closely related with depression and psychological stress, which really impacts the quality of life.” Finding therapies that work and help bring that balance of happiness and calm are essential and massage seems to be a great option. (ABC30)
Do you sit at a desk all day? We really liked this round-up of stress reducers from Forbes. Even better–you can do them all right at your desk. Feeling the stress waves coming on? Take a moment to try one or all of these techniques outlined. We especially appreciate the supportive notion at the bottom–practice makes perfect! Don’t give up and make relieving that stress as much of a priority as getting that work done. (Forbes)