Portrait of a Foot Soaker: Deborah Parries

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Portrait of a Foot Soaker: Deborah Parries


Self care can be challenging for a lot of people. We often put everyone and everything first before our own needs and eventually, that takes a toll. In the midst of our busy and hectic lives, self care is even more crucial to reset and to recharge your body, mind, and spirit so you can show up as the best version of you in all areas of your life. This edition of our Portrait of a Foot Soaker series, we interviewed Deborah! She really indulges in all the things having to do with self care. She takes her self care practice to a new level and adds some fun to it! Read on to find out how Deborah loves to destress from her busy lifestyle.


What type of work do you do?

I am a business owner along with my husband in the automotive equipment industry.


What things do you do to try and maintain a work/life balance?

The things I do to maintain work/life balance is when I am not working to enjoy the pleasures of life. My child is grown and recently married so Jeff and I can take advantage of our time for “us”.


Do you have any favorite activities to help relieve stress?

The favorite activities that I do to relieve stress is getting on my deck (I live on top of Town Mountain so the views are amazing) and do yoga and stretches which makes me feel great all over. The beauty that I am blessed to see every day out of my windows gives me an inner peace that follows me throughout the day.


Who in your circle do you go to when you have a bad day? How do they make you feel better?

The person in my circle that I go to is my husband and best friend. He always knows exactly what to say because he knows me better than anyone.


What is your guilty pleasure for me-time?

My guilty pleasure for me time is my foot soaks and massages at Wake and also I have just started using a local mobile massage company that comes to my house and sets up the massage table next to my bed and I can literally roll right into it afterward.  Ha! It is amazing!!


Are there any spots around town that you find yourself drawn to when you need a mental break?

The places that I find around town that I am drawn to for a mental break is just walking around “people watching”. It is one of my favorite things to do. I love all the shops at Grove Arcade and the book stores. I love a glass of wine at The Book Exchange. There are lots of cool places downtown that can take your mind away from the craziness of life.


What is your idea of the ultimate self-care ritual? (either something you currently practice or a fantasy)

The ultimate self care ritual would be to hire a chef to cook healthy and yummy meals. I would love to not even have to think about cooking but rather just what time the meal will be placed in front of me. Yippee that would be the ultimate for me!!!!!


Thank you, Deborah, for your continued support of Wake Foot Sanctuary and for letting our guests have a glimpse into your life. We appreciate all our guests and look forward to featuring another portrait of another guest soon. If you would like to share your favorite ways to rejuvenate leave it in the comments below![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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