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I don’t think it will ever become a cliche for me to think about our business in terms of serving others at the core of what we do each day. Without guests opening our doors, enjoying time in our Sanctuary, we simply would not exist. Our massage staff has helped educate all of us about the concept of “holding space.” The idea is to meet each guest where they are and to give them enough space to indulge whatever kind of feelings, emotions, or mindset is right for them when they enjoy services in our Sanctuary.
Certainly, we can’t forget the super fun bachelorette parties that we help host, the date nights that we aim to make even more special, and the girls’ nights out where we make connections that turn into long-standing guests. But–with this “holding space” concept– we recognize that nobody is perfect, everyone has bad days, and that life is complicated and messy at times. We are still here, with a welcoming smile, to whisk guests off into the Sanctuary. We allow them to steal away moments when they just need some space, some time to be them, and to unwind from it all.
I love working the front desk with the team (however much a detriment to their operation at this point I may be.) I love connecting with the guests, assessing their needs and wants, and watching them come out of the curtains of the Sanctuary changed. We strive very hard to work into our model a tremendous amount of process and order. We have found that the balance and security that it provides our staff helps us then focus on what really matters: our guests. When the structure is well-planned and executed it shows we trust our employees to demonstrate leadership and act with service in mind. Their personalities are allowed to show. It further allows us to deepen our connection to our guests and better anticipate their needs.
I never get tired of all the stories of memorable guests that the team tells me. Sometimes it’s a touching surprise visit that they were able to help with, maybe a special surprise during service for a young guest, maybe just reveling in being a first massage for one of our 90-something-year-old guests. What a beautiful thing!
Our staff constantly talks about the fact that they could be having a ho-hum day outside of work, only to come here and be delighted by both the guests and our team. In truth, we try very hard to create a culture that not only seeks to serve our guests but also seeks to serve each other as we try to be the very best team that we can.
One guest reviewer recently said, “I arrived in a flustered state — and left completely transformed. I felt so light that I was amazed that my feet were actually touching the ground as I left this amazing place. It is truly a sanctuary… one that has graced my week with peace, and calmness, and respite from the day-to-day demands of my busy life. Thank you! ”
If I need a little pick-me-up, I only need to turn to our reviews and it brings it all back for me time and time again. This is why we opened our doors. This is what gets us so excited to get out of bed and come to work each day. It is a compelling reminder of the power in serving others.
This article was written by Melissa Long, CEO and Founder of Wake Foot Sanctuary.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]