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We all confront stressful events, from simple irritations to more severe concerns. Tension fills the body with hormones, regardless of the cause. The heart beats faster, breathing accelerates, and the muscles tense up. Tense events in everyday life can trigger a stress response. The opposite of a stress response is the relaxation response. It is a deep state of relaxation that produces a calming effect on the body. With consistent practice, you’ll develop a reservoir of calm that you may draw upon whenever you need it. Here are 4 relaxation strategies to assist you in eliciting the relaxation response and reducing tension.
Take long, calm, deep breaths in this simple but effective technique. You softly disconnect your mind from unwanted emotions and thoughts when you breathe. People may find that focusing on their breath helps in calming their minds and embracing their bodies more positively.
Research shows that the arms, feet, lower legs, the head, neck, and shoulders, or the hands and lower arms are the three major tension zones on the body. This body scan relaxation technique helps you release the tension on those body parts by first becoming more conscious of their feelings. Following a few minutes of controlled breathing, you concentrate on a section of the body and certain muscles while mentally releasing whatever physical tension you may be experiencing. The technique will assist you in becoming more aware of your mind-body relationship.
In this technique, one has to sit comfortably, focus on breathing, and direct the mind’s attention to the present time without worrying about the future or the past. This type of meditation continues to gain popularity globally since it is simple but effective. According to research, it may benefit those suffering from anxiety and stress.
You use this approach to help you unwind by conjuring up pleasant sights, places, or events in your mind. There are online recordings and apps of calming scenes where you can choose pictures that you like and those that have personal meaning. Guided imagery will also help you keep a positive image of yourself by improving your self-confidence.
For more information on our spa offerings that help reduce tension and stress, give us a call today.